Monday 7 September 2015


Greetings earthlings, we meet again. So, if you’ve read my first entry then you should know that I will be writing about *drumrolls please* Vietnam, the land I call my second home. 

Okay, let’s get started shall we? First of all, everything in this world has their own history. So, let’s go through the history of Vietnam. For your information, I do like history but when there’s a lot of facts hmm I don’t like it that much. But in this entry, I’ll try to make it as simple so that you earthlings can understand it more. Don’t worry, there will be images and videos. So it’s not gonna be all text and facts.

Let me tell you earthlings a bit about Vietnam. Hmm Vietnam is the easternmost country on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. It has an estimated 90.5 million inhabitants as of 2014. And I’m pretty sure the numbers have increased since then. Oh, Vietnam is the world’s 13th most populous country and the 8th most populous Asian country. Wow hmm just wow. People of earth, come on I think Vietnam deserves a round of applause *clap* Vietnam has a history as rich and evocative as anywhere on the planet. Indeed the American War in Vietnam captured the attention of the West, but centuries before that Vietnam was scrapping with the Chinese, the Khmers, the Chams and the Mongols. Vietnamese civilization is as sophisticated as that of its mighty northern neighbour China, from where it drew many of its influences under a thousand-year occupation. Wuuu so how are we getting on so far? You earthlings still following me or not? If you are then proceed on with your readings. 


The Chinese ruled northern Vietnam for more than 1,000 years and Chinese civilization had a great impact on the Vietnamese. However in South Vietnam, there was Indian influence. From the 1st century to the 6th century AD the southernmost part of Vietnam was part of a state called Funan. In the middle of Vietnam, an Indian influenced state called Champa arose in the 2nd century AD. 


In the north, Ho Chi Minh introduced a Communist regime while in the south Ngo Dinh Diem became ruler. However in the early 1960s, South Vietnam was rocked by demonstrations and in 1963 Diem was ousted in a coup. 

1950 - USA became involved in the Vietnam War. The US sent military advisers to South Vietnam. They supported the French and later the South Vietnamese government. 

1959 - The North Vietnamese began a long guerrilla war to reunite Vietnam under Communist rule. They were known as the Vietcong

1964 - Two US ships were supposedly subject to 'unprovoked' attacks by the North Vietnamese. 

1968 - The Vietcong launched the Tet offensive in towns and cities across South Vietnam. The American troops eventually withdrew.

1970 - The Khmer Rouge made attacks on Vietnam. The Vietnamese occupied Cambodia in 1978 and stayed until 1989

1986 - The Vietnamese government introduced market reforms. As a result, the Vietnamese began to grow rapidly. 

Today, the Vietnamese economy is booming and Vietnam is being transformed into an industrial country. Tourism is an important industry in Vietnam. 

There you have it folks, the history of Vietnam. Well, it's not as detailed as other websites but I hope you understand (if not a lot then a bit) about Vietnam's history. 

Oh, if you earthlings don't feel like reading the text it's all good. Down below, I have attached a video that I got from Youtube - it's about the history of Vietnam. Hmm the video however is in Vietnamese but don't worry, it has English subtitles. Honestly I find this video to be quite interesting and I hope you earthlings feel the same way. 

Okay, that's all for now earthlings. I'll see you in the next entry *muah muah*

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