Monday 7 September 2015


Greetings earthlings. I’m back for the hmm I can’t remember oh how many times but yeahh I’m back. So, did you people miss me? HAHAHA don’t answer that.

Today’s entry, this sister will be writing about Hanoi YEAY. Okay, I don’t want to waste any of your time, so I’m gonna get started. Hmm the site where Hanoi stands today has been inhabited since the Neolithic period. Emperor Ly Thai To moved his capital here in the AD 1010, naming it Thang Long (City of the Soaring Dragon). The decision by Emperor Gia Long, founder of the Nguyen dynasty in 1802, to rule from Hue relegated Hanoi to the status of a regional capital for a century.

Hmm down the centuries, Hanoi has been called many names including Dong Kinh (Eastern Capital), from which the Europeans derived the name they eventually applied to all of northern Vietnam. The city was named Hanoi (The City in the Bend of the River) by Emperor Tu Duc in 1831. From 1902 to 1953, Hanoi served as the capital French Indochina.

So, you peeps still there? I know, I know this is a lot of information for you to suck in but I’m telling you it’s actually pretty interesting. Bear in mind, these entries that I’m writing (regarding the places in Vietnam), hmm I’m explaining to you peeps about their history. Yes, history. I know even the word history can bore people but I just feel like you earthlings can gain a lot of input from reading the histories of the places in Vietnam.

Okay, this sister got a surprise for you YEAY. I know it's tiring to read this entry and so that is why i included a short video of Hanoi. I mean if you earthlings don't feel like reading the long and boring text, it's fine. You can just watch the video. And hopefully, you'll see the beautiful Hanoi. 

Okay, that’s all for now earthlings. I’ll see you in the next entry *muah muah*

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