Monday 7 September 2015


Greetings earthlings. A question, do you find my blog to be interesting yet? Or is it still boring to you? Hmm if you feel that this blog is somewhat boring uhh please leave a comment okay? I mean if you have tips and ideas on how I can improve this blog, I would love to hear it from you earthlings. And no worries, I won’t take it to heart if you leave any comments. Wow, I sound kinda serious there HAHAHA.

Anyways, moving on to the serious issue well hmm not so serious issue. For today’s blog entry, I will be talking about the Vietnamese culture and tradition. Hmm sounds kinda boring right? But have no fear earthlings, I will try to make it uhh less boring. So, what do you guys know about Vietnam? Besides the part where tourists go there to shop. I mean do you really know know Vietnam? Okay hmm obviously this blog is for you earthlings to gain knowledge about Vietnam uhh so I’m gonna start.

Vietnam culture is said to be one of the oldest in Southeast Asia. The name Vietnam originated in 1803 when envoys from the newly founded Nguyen dynasty travelled to Beijing to establish diplomatic relations with the Chinese court. The new emperor has chosen the name Nam Viet for his kingdom. The word Viet, he derived from the tradition name for the Vietnamese imperial domain and its people in what is now northern and central Vietnam. Nam had been added to acknowledge the expansion of the dynasty’s domain into lands to the south. The Chinese objected to this new name because it was the same as an ancient state that had rebelled against Chinese rule. They therefore changed it to Viet Nam.

The story of the origin of Vietnam’s name captures several prominent themes that have run throughout the nation’s history. As the usage of Viet indicates, the Vietnamese have for centuries had a sense of the distinctiveness of their society and culture. However, as the inclusion of Nam shows, the land they inhabit has expanded over time and also has its own internal divisions into northern, central and southern regions.

This entry is sorta like the history of Vietnam. But this one is in terms of the culture. I know I know, its full of facts and text. Some of you might not enjoy this entry - not a problem. I can assure you that my upcoming entries will be more interesting. Well at least I'll try to make it interesting. 

Okay, that’s all for now earthlings. I’ll see you in the next entry *muah muah*

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