Monday 7 September 2015


Greetings earthlings. Hello, hello and hi. I’m glad you peeps are willing to lend some of your precious time to read this blog. I’m so touched. Anyways, for those who have been following me since day one you all should now know a bit about Vietnam. Well hmm if you’re still confused or still have no idea about Vietnam, its fine. You can always read my blog again and again uhh that’s if you’re willing to.

Okayyy, enough of that. For today’s entry I will be writing about Ho Chi Minh City. A few years back, I used to live in that city. Oh boy, I had the time of my life there. I enjoyed every moment during my time there. Although there were times where I felt kinda bored because of the same routine I had going on there. But still, this sister likey Ho Chi Minh City very much :) 

Ho Chi Minh City or referred by some Vietnamese as Saigon lays on the right bank of the Saigon River, a tributary of the Dong Nai, Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City is known to be the largest city, the greatest port and the commercial and industrial center of Vietnam. It has an airport and is the focus of the country’s highways, railroads and Mekong delta waterways.

The local economy of Ho Chi Minh City was disrupted during the early years of the regime, which curtailed foreign investment and promoted collectivization. In the 1980s and 1990s, conditions improved as the city gradually adapted to the new system and the government relaxed its economic policy. There is growing industrial base which includes the manufacture of home appliances, clothing and shoes as well as automobile assembly. Hmm what I’m trying to say is that Ho Chi Minh City is actually developing into a very modern place.

As usual, this sister attached a video down below so that you earthlings can have a look at it. No need to search it on Youtube - you can just come swing by this blog and check out this video yourself. You won't regret it. I mean if you were to regret, I wouldn't have added the video in. Honestly, I care about you earthlings out there. I want you to enjoy reading this blog because (you gotta admit) this blog is something, ain't she?

Okay, that's all for now earthlings. I'll see you in the next entry *muah muah* 

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